A math holiday? You bet! Did you know that Fibonacci Day happens every 23rd of November honoring one of the most influential people in mathematics, Leonardo Fibonacci? Kids of all ages can learn a little bit about “nature’s secret code” and the Fibonacci sequence with simple printable activities to fit a variety of early elementary age groups. If you’re tired of everything Thanksgiving-themed during November, celebrate Fibonacci Day instead for a fantastic STEM activity!



Fibonacci Sequence for Kids

What is the Fibonacci sequence? The Fibonacci sequence is a pattern of numbers that build on the previous ones by adding them together and it looks like this…

1,1,2,3,5,8,13… Can you guess what comes next? Do you notice the pattern?

These are Fibonacci numbers and it’s so cool to learn!

TRY IT: Challenge your kiddos to take the sequence as far as they can in a set amount of time or just as long as they can!


Not only is this pattern of numbers used in technology, architecture, and even the stock market, but you can also see it throughout nature in pinecones, sunflowers, galaxies, seeds in berries, and so much more!

This is where we hear about the Golden Ratio which is a ratio of 1 to 1.6 and it contributes to the Fibonacci Golden Spiral.

While this information may be a bit too much to digest all at once, kids love patterns and discovering patterns!

Fibonacci Day Activities

I have assembled a fantastic mini-pack on Fibonacci, including an additional project idea for Fibonacci Day!

Who is Fibonacci? Born Leonardo Bonacci, Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who is considered to be the best Western mathematician of the Middle Ages. There are many mathematical concepts named after Fibonacci.

If you enjoy learning about various famous inventors, mathematicians, and scientists (male and female), you’ll ABSOLUTELY LOVE this huge pack of 25+ famous people. Each person includes a fun bio sheet, a short video as seen below, and a doable project.

Fibonacci Day Projects

Let’s get started with two simple Fibonacci art projects. Make sure to grab the free printable Fibonacci coloring pages and additional Fibonacci worksheets below.


Pair this activity with making a mobius strip!



The Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers that follow a pattern. The sequence follows the rule that each number is created by adding the previous two numbers in the sequence.

This visual design is created by using the mathematical rules of the Fibonacci Sequence. Use it to create a beautiful zentangle design! Zentangles are miniature pieces of abstract art created through a method of simple, structured patterns called tangles.


Add various patterns to your zentangle (stripes, circles, waves etc.) using a ruler and marker.


Color your Fibonacci zentangle with markers, or paint with watercolors.


Fibonacci Spiral

Have you ever really looked at the bottom of a pinecone? If you count the number of spirals that go to the right, then count the number of spirals that go to the left, you end up with two numbers next to each other in the Fibonacci sequence.

You can find this same pattern in many other plants, like pineapples and sunflowers. This pattern allows plants and animals to grow without changing shape.


Color the printable Fibonacci Spiral using colored pencils, markers, or watercolors. You can create your own design or use the colors to highlight the spiral pattern.


More Famous Inventors

Some so many great people have influenced our world in STEM! Check out more activities featuring these famous men and women.